#The Sims 4 Translation
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aurora--sky · 2 years ago
Hej, miałam pisać głównie do tłumaczy modów, ale kończąc post zorientowałam się, że dużo by nie wynieśli z tych wypocin 😅
Opisuję tutaj pewną historię, która mi się przytrafiła. Jak komuś się nudzi to może poczytać. Piszę też ten post, aby ktoś z serwera Deaderpoola go zobaczył, bo nie mam możliwości się skontaktować z ani jedną osobą stamtąd. Jednak nie mam na to nadziei.
@eg4mccc @deaderpoolmc @kawaiistacie I'd love you to read that, thank you. I did not have the opportunity to defend myself, since your friends blocked me.
Śmieszna sytuacja. Zaczęłam dostawać wiadomości na CF i Discordzie od adminów/moderatorów serwera KawaiiStacie i Deaderpoola - Onyxangel i Cur13yKar13y.
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(chyba po kliknięciu w zdjęcie zdjęcie będzie mieć lepszą jakość ale nwm)
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Zarzucają mi, że to w jaki sposób dodaję moje tłumaczenia (od 4 lat prawie już) wygląda tak, jakbym pisała, że to są moje mody, i że je przywłaszczam. No, i że nie piszę, że tłumaczenia należą do KS.
Problemem też jest to, że nie dodaję tłumaczeń na jej stronę i jej serwer, oraz to, że tłumaczę "zakazany" przez ICH SERWERY mod, i że miałam czelność dodać te straszne tłumaczenie na tę samą stronę, co tłumaczenia do perfekcyjnych (wgl nie popsutych przez 9 miesięcy w roku) modów KS.
Próbowałam im to wytłumaczyć w kilku wiadomościach, ale obraziły się, bo byłam "agresywna". Cur13yKar13y w ogóle mnie nie wysłuchała tylko od razu zablokowała, po czy jej koleżanka zrobiła to samo.
w każdym poście, na CF, czy tutaj daję info "polskie tłumaczenie/polish translation" oraz info, że "bez moda tłumaczenie nie zadziała". Na CF piszę to w 5 miejscach! bo takie są wymagania strony. Czy to jest moja wina, że osoby/dzieci nie potrafią zrozumieć, że to nie jest mod i zgłaszają się do adminów ich serwerów? No ja wprowadzam w błąd specjalnie.
nie dodaję jej tłumaczeń na serwer, bo nikt tego nie robi. Jeśli wejdziecie na jej serwer i kanał #complete-translations, zobaczycie (na ten moment) post ze stycznia 2023, wcześniej ze 2 posty z 2022. Tyle. Inni nie muszą, ale ja muszę.
nie dodaję tłumaczeń na jej stronę, bo nie mam możliwości. Jej strona jest bardziej popsuta od jej modów. Na początku, dodawałam wszystkie swoje tłumaczenia, kiedy w pewnym momencie KS zdecydowała, że usunie stronę i zbuduje nową, usuwając przy tym wszystkie konta. Ja wraz z innymi tłumaczami byliśmy zdezorientowani, co się stało, czemu nie mogę się zalogować, gdzie się podziały nasze tłumaczenia? KS oraz jej admini nawet nie poinformowali nas o tym, już nie mówiąc o jakiś przeprosinach. Przeniosłam się tu na dobre. Potem stworzyłam nowe konto na jej stronie. Aktualnie, moje konto znów zostało usunięte. Nie mogę tam nic zrobić. Zgłaszałam to. "No ale dlaczego nie dodajesz tłumaczeń na jej stronę?"
w każdym tłumaczeniu dodaję link do moda. Nie muszę pisać imienia autora. Aby tłumaczenie działało, musisz pobrać moda z linka. Wchodzisz w link i widzisz autora, prawda? Nikt mi nie wmówi, że przywłaszczam
tutaj ta śmieszna część: ich serwery (DP, KS i inne) mają zakazane mody na SWOICH SERWERACH. Z jakiegoś powodu Etheria's Romance Overhaul jest zakazany, idc. Ale czemu ma mnie to obchodzić? Że jakiś serwer coś sobie zakazał i teraz piszą do mnie, że złamałam zasady ICH serwera??? No nie wiem jak to wytłumaczyć, to jest chora sytuacja. Ja nie dodałam tłumaczenia na ich serwery. Czy ja czegoś tutaj nie rozumiem?
Jak wszędzie, tak i tu chodzi o kasę... Według nich czerpię korzyści z nie mojej pracy.
Otóż na CurseForge kolekcjonuje się punkty na podstawie ilości pobrań. Punkty te wymienia się na Karty podarunkowe Amazon albo po prostu dostaje się pieniądze.
Przez 4 lata wszystko było okej, ale gdy teraz mogę mieć korzyści materialne ze swojej pracy to nagle wszystko robię źle. Hmm...
Mi to wygląda na czepianie się, bo ktoś tu jest zazdrosny. Według nich ktoś im doniósł, że łamię zasady. Jestem w stanie to uwierzyć, to bardzo możliwe. Znam osoby w tej społeczności, które źle mi życzą. Może naprawdę one tylko mnie informują, bo inna osoba/grupa osób zazdrości mnie nie lubi.
Ta społeczność już odbiera mi chęć i zabawę z gry. Skupiam się głównie na tłumaczeniach, bo bardzo lubię to hobby. Tymi oskarżeniami/zazdrością nikt nie sprawi, że to porzucę, a jeśli kogoś boli, że mogę dostawać za to pieniądze to proponuję zacząć tworzyć jakiś kontent i publikować go w Internecie. Na CF znajduje się wiele gier 😉
Jeśli czyta to jakiś tłumacz, który publikuje lub planuje publikować tłumaczenia na CurseForge - ten post może być przykładem na kogo uważać, no i żeby nie dać się zastraszyć.
Jeżeli dodajesz link do strony z modem i/lub piszesz imię autora, dajesz informację o tym, że to tylko tłumaczenie - nie łamiesz żadnych zasad.
(Zawieranie moda w swoim tłumaczeniu też nie jest złe. Ja je wyciągam, aby plik nie tworzył problemów, ale według zasad EA, zawieranie moda jest ok - każdy ma prawo modyfikować inne mody/cc i przywłaszczać je jako swoje - tłumacze najczęściej publikują tylko pliki tłumaczenia, bo są mili, no i żeby nie łamać sprawiedliwych zasad twórców 🤡)
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To chyba tyle. Ogólnie śmieszna sytuacja. 🤔
Życzę jednak wszystkim miłego dnia/nocy 💗
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weilisims · 9 months ago
除2024年開始的食譜,過往食譜皆翻譯完成。 其餘緩慢更新中...。
Thanks to creators.
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Oni's Recipe Pack 繁簡中文🍚
✨ 關於翻譯
𝟘𝟙.翻譯裡不包含模組主體,主體請另外下載。 𝟘𝟚.請勿更改文件名,繁簡隨遊戲語言變化。 𝟘𝟛.翻譯有問題都可以留言或私訊提��🤗
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✨ 關於Oni's Recipe Pack
𝟘𝟙.顧名思義就是食譜模組 𝟘𝟚.作者的食譜偏向日韓美食,且模型也非常精緻 𝟘𝟛.單純食譜模組主程式就可以執行 𝟘𝟜.其他食物道具(販賣機、刨冰機)可能就會需要其他資料片,下載的時可以看作者寫的
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🍱 模組安裝
𝟘𝟙.[ONI]Recipe Pack_Custom food mod_xx.xx.xx(Latest Version):模組主體!
🔖 翻譯安裝
𝟘𝟙.![ONI]Recipe Pack_CH.package:主體翻譯,不論使用繁中簡中都需要安裝。
𝟘𝟚.![ONI]Recipe merged_CH_Weili.package:全食譜,翻譯隨遊戲語言變化。
𝟘𝟛.![ONI]custom food mod_CH.package:其他道具繁簡翻譯整合,隨遊戲語言變化。
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🔗 下載
Thanks to creators.
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waveport · 6 months ago
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basic breakup bed
new textures
10 pattern swatches
base game compatible
converted from lovestruck ep to basegame
downloads: simfileshare | google drive | patreon (ALWAYS FREE!)
ps. if i get enough time, I'll make some non pattern/textured recolors for it.
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cerubean · 9 months ago
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doing a thing
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littlemssam · 2 months ago
Mod Updates & Translation
As always delete old Mods Files and the localthumbcache, when updating my Mods!
Gender & More | Custom Lot Trait Disallow Ghosts should consider all Ghost Types now
No Restaurant Bill when being Invited Small Tweak to the Trigger Invite Addon
My favorite Raincoat Adjusted hidden Buffs
Random Small Mods
Order More Groceries Added more Canned Food (Cottage Living), Prepped Ingredients (Home Chef Hustle), Honey (Seasons), and Spice Jars (City Living)
Protective Raincoats Adjusted hidden Buffs
Random Bug Fixes
Trait Buff Fixes Added two Fear of the Dark Trait Buffs "What Was That Noise?" & "Afraid of the Dark", the Unflirty Trait "Committed Crass Act" Buff, and the Loyal Trait Buff "Stabbed a Friend in the Back"
Other Mods
Publish Books On Computer Added Support for Horror Genre (Life & Death Pack)
Translation Only
Social Activities (Visit Friends, Family and more) Update of Finnish by MaijaEllen
My Site with all possible Download Links: lms-mods.com
Support Questions via Discord only please!
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householdbinary · 1 year ago
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some of my favourite sims from 2023 (happy new year!)
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simmersofia · 1 month ago
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Autumn Windenburg, a fateful fall
Wolfgang: You are too fucking heavy, mate. I’m not built for this.
Malcolm: You look strong.
M: I mean, your arms… are so muscular.
M: I like your arms.
W: What are you on about, dude?
W: You are seriously wasted– WOAH!
Luna: Malcolm! Where did you go?
Lu: There you are! Come on Malcolm, we need to get you home.
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dejasenti99 · 5 months ago
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mikuni14 · 2 months ago
15 Day BL Challenge - Day 4
Day 4: Fave Ship Dynamic
Since I can't choose one favorite dynamic, I'll allow myself to write a few:
EQUALITY in a relationship will always be my top priority, which I understand as a situation where no one is exploited, or led like a child in the relationship, or dominated, even if one of them is naturally dominant. To make it more complicated, I actually like relationships in which one is clearly more dominant, for example stronger physically, or in the hierarchy, is richer, has power, BUT NOT OVER THEIR LOVED ONE, is actually even dependent on him. The point is that both have the same power over each other, are equally dependent on each other, both support each other to the best of their abilities, no one gives more or less. It is ideal when the seamingly "weaker" one has even a slight advantage in the relationship, to make it more fair. A good example of this relationship is Hannibal or Nagron 😋 There are many BL series with equal characters, most of them will appear below (but I'll start with a gif of these guys, equal in everything, and that widening of Zhou Zi Shu's eyes at the sight of Wen Ke Xing is one of the best things in BLs I've ever seen 💖)
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most often, equality in a relationship goes hand in hand with my second favorite dynamic: when both are mature. I LOVE it when a couple is made up of adults, mature people who know who they are, know that they are interested in each other and the only obstacles in their relationship are external. From BL series, these are: Laws of Attraction, Manner of Death, Jun & Jun (excellent examples 10/10) as well as The Untamed, Word of Honor, KinnPorsche, 4 Minutes, Our Dating Sim, To Sir, With Love. This equality and maturity can just as well appear in series with young characters as in The On1y One
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my other favorite dynamic also goes hand in hand with equality: when both are smart, they are professionals in what they do, like in The Sign, Laws of Attraction, The On1y One, Be Loved In House: I Do, Jun & Jun (see the gif above) and of course The Untamed and Word of Honor (I can't help but mention Beyond Evil, The Devil Judge, Killer and Healer, not BLs we all know better 😎)
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when both are good at communication, I love it when characters TALK to each other, even when they argue, as long as they COMMUNICATE
the best and the rarest: when they trust each other and believe in each other, that the other person will handle the truth, the problems, that they will help, that TOGETHER THEY WILL DEAL with whatever life throws at them, when they talk about what's going on in their lives including the bad stuff, no noble sacrifice and keeping the loved one in the dark "for their own good". It's very possible that in all the BLs I've watched there was a couple who was honest with each other from the beginning until the end, but I can't remember one now... (Beyond Evil, Love in Translation started doing it by the end)
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but I also like it when someone in the couple is unhinged, crazy, like Sahashi in Cosmetic Playlover, or a himbo like Sprite in Twins, or a golden retriever type but a real one like in Sing My Crush, especially when the other one is a bit grumpy and gloomy, like in those series, I love it!
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I also like calm, stoic, solid types, at the same time totally whipped for their loved ones 🥰 such as the characters played by Noh in Nitiman and Oh! My Sunshine Night. Special mention should be made of someone similar to this type, but also noble and old-fashioned in a charming way, like San from Century of Love, and the guys from To Sir, With Love
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sn0wbat · 1 year ago
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well what family doesn't keep a secret vampire family member hidden deep in in the basement /s
EDIT: Rest of the comic is now under the cut!
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bele-st · 24 days ago
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— Tradução Atualizada de Ultimutt Indoor Dog Potty Pads de Ravasheen em PT/BR. 🐕
Download da tradução no meu site: bele-st.lovestoblog.com
Mais sobre o mod no meu video: Vídeo
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aurora--sky · 2 years ago
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
A list of FAQs, troubleshooting and basic definitions for my translations, installations, etc.
Polish version of my FAQ can be found here -> FAQ in Polish.
1. What is translation? Translation is a file that changes the mod's English language to Polish after installation.
2. Do I also need to download the mod for the translation to work? Yes. Translation won't work without the mod. I personally do not include mod files in my translation. My translations are only text files called “strings”. Translation alone without the mod won't make the mod work.
3. Where can I download your translations from? I only publish my translations on my Tumblr blog or on CurseForge.
4. How can I download your translations? The translation file can be downloaded from the post you are interested in. I include such a file at the bottom of the post under the word CF or SFS. By clicking on one of the options, it will take you to the page where you can download the file.
5. What is CF and what is SFS? CF - CurseForge. SFS - SimFileShare. CurseForge is a site where mods/cc/translations for The Sims 4 are available for free download. SimFileShare is a file hosting site for The Sims players.
6. Are your translations free? Yes. My translations have always been and are free.
7. Is it safe to download translations? Can I download a virus by accident? Downloading my translations is completely safe and virus-free as long as you download them from my sources.
8. How to unpack a translation (.zip or .rar file)? My translations are often packaged in a ZIP file. If you are using Windows 11, the unpacker is built into your system. You only need to double click on the zip file.
However, if you don't have such a program, you can open a .zip translation after downloading and installing a program such as WinZip, 7-Zip, etc. There are plenty of choices on the Internet.
9. How to install the translation? The translation must be installed so that it is as close as possible to the main mod files.
In short: the translation file(s) should be inserted (and if they are in a .zip file after downloading - unpack them first as described in point 6) to the mod folder in \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods. (The path may differ.) If the mod and the translation contain folders, then the translation files from the folder named i.e.  Objects PL must be put into the folder with the same name - Objects.
If you still don't understand, I refer you to my guide “How to install translations for The Sims 4?” here (in Polish).
10. Can I change the translation name? Better not. Translation may stop working after renaming.
11. What does “translation is (included) in the mod” mean? The translation included in the mod files is a translation that does not need to be downloaded separately. After installing the mod, it will be in Polish immediately.
Sometimes translators work with mod creators and send them their translations. The creator of the mod then puts such a translation into their mod.
12. Are your translations included in mods? Some of them are. Maybe three. Personally, I don't like collaborating with mod creators because at some point the creator stops communicating with me. After sending my translations, the creator adds them to the mod, after a few months I update the translation, send it to this person and they ignore me / don't notice / don't have time. Result: my old, unsuitable translation is “stuck” in the mod, and I have no control over it.
13. How to uninstall a translation? To uninstall a translation, all you need to do is delete the file from the folder where you installed it.
14. Can translation break the game? Does it conflict with other files? No. Translation can never corrupt game files, saves, Sims, CCs or mods. It also does not conflict with other translations.
In case there are two translations from different translators in the mod folder, only one translation will work. The latter will be ignored by the game. There will be no errors or conflicts.
15. Can I download and use non-updated translations (e.g. old translation + newer version of the mod)? Yes. However, it is possible that the translation will only work partially if the creator have added new text to their mod.
16. Why does the translation sometimes have more files than the mod itself?
This is sometimes the case because the translation needs to be broken up into more parts for it to work. Some modifications contain several files in one. But I can't do that with the translation. First I need to un-merge the mod in Sims4Studio, and then I can start translating it.
Issues with downloading and with translations, i.e. “translation is not working”
17. Translation doesn't work at all.
If the translation does not appear in the game, there are several reasons:
the translation was installed incorrectly
the translation was not extracted from the .zip file
the mod has not been installed
the mod was installed incorrectly
the translation is incorrectly translated
translation name was changed after download
there are several translation and/or mod files in the Mods folder and/or in the mod folder, e.g. previous, outdated versions
18. Translation works partially.
If the translation is correctly translated but only works in part, it is possible that the text of the mod is contained in the mod's .sctipt file. As a translator, I am unable to open and translate such a text. It is mod’s creator’s fault.
19. What to do if the translation does not work (partially or not at all)?
When the translation does not work, you need to check that it has been unpacked and installed correctly. This tutorial may help you.
Remember that you should always remove outdated, old versions before installing an updated version of a translation/mod. It also won't hurt to delete a file called “localthumbcache” which can be found in The Sims 4 folder.
If the translation still doesn't work, please contact me.
20. I found an error in your translation.
In this case, please contact me via ask or report an error in this form.
21. I can't download a translation from Simfileshare.
This is a common error that occurs, for example, when we enter the SFS link for the second time. When you can’t download the translation because the page won't load, all you have to do is remove “everything before http://...”. For example: https://href.li/?http://www.simfileshare.net/download/3794136/ - in this case, remove the part of the link that I marked in red.
If there is different error on this page then the page is probably having problems. You can then contact me.
22. I can’t download a translation from CurseForge.
If you can't download the translation from CF, the site is probably having problems.
It's also possible that my translation project hasn't been approved by the CF admins yet.
Other/Personal questions
23. How to translate mods for The Sims 4?
If you want to learn how to translate, you can check out my tutorial here (in Polish). You can also find useful information on the Internet.
Personally, I also think that as a translator you need to know the foreign language from which you want to translate quite well.
24. How did you learn to translate?
I found (very little) information on the Internet in English. I tried but I can't find that website right now. Fortunately, this information helped me get started, and then I somehow managed on my own.
25. How long have you been translating mods?
I started translating mods in June 2019.
26. What programs do you use for translations?
Lately I've been using mainly The Sims 4 Translator. Sometimes I also use DP STBL Editor and S4PE.
27. How long does it take you to translate 1 mod?
It depends on the amount of text and whether the mod interests me, whether it contains any specific terminology, whether there are errors in the text or creative, long descriptions. When a mod is interesting to me and when it doesn't contain very complicated text, I think I can translate 200 strings in an hour. However, this does not happen often.
28. Do you accept mod suggestions for translation?
Yes. You can always ask me via ask.
29. Are there any specific mods that you would not like to translate?
Yes. I am almost never interested in careers, traits and events mods. I do not like translating mods that are very short – less than 100 strings. I also do not translate “banned” (by The Sims 4!) mods with themes, such as paedophilia, rape, bestiality, etc.
30. Do you also translate mods for The Sims 3, The Sims 2 or other games?
No, and I don't think that will change in the near future.
31. What are the terms of use of your translations?
do not claim my translations as your own.
if you want to share my translation with others/upload to the website, please include my link to my translation (to my Tumblr, Simfileshare or CurseForge) and my name (AuroraSky).
you can modify and correct my translations for your own use.
don't work on my translation - don't claim my translation after making only a few changes.
if you have some problems with translating a mod that I have already translated, you can use part of my translation after asking for my permission first.
32. Is it possible to support you financially?
Yes. If you want, you can “buy me a coffee” on my Buycoffee.to page
33. What mods and CC do you use?
If anyone is interested in mods and CC that I like, I reblog them on my tumblr blog: aurorasky-ccfinds.tumblr.com
12.4.2023 Aurora Sky
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evignonita · 3 months ago
Nervioso viendo al nuevo Nervioso (ni cagando se haría un tatuaje x miedoso)
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sarcasticratsims · 4 months ago
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More time has have passed living in Sulani! Not that you could tell, but it's slowly transitioning into winter!
|Seasick| | <- Previous : Next ->|
+++ | Beginning : Latest |
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jasminesilk · 10 months ago
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Stardew Valley Bachelorettes 🌱
Abigail | Emily | Haley | Leah | Maru | Penny
Another (mostly) vanilla CAS project I've been working on! Aside from my default eye and skin replacements, plus cc lashes, these girls are cc free! Well, aside from Abigail's choker necklace which is from an old deligracy x grimcookies cc pack, which you can find here.
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littlemssam · 3 months ago
Mod Updates & Translation
As always delete old Mods Files and the localthumbcache, when updating my Mods!
Quick Shower & Quick Bath Some Tweaks to add support for various Sims Pack Features: Acne, Werewolves, Eco Upgrades, Water Heater, Water Utility use, "open" Showers (No Privacy) while showering. Removed the Script File. Delete the "LittleMsSam_QuickShowerBath.ts4script" File!
Random Small Mods
No Shoes at Home Fixed an Issue with the Mod not working properly on some Community Lots when one of the Mods "My Little Neighborhood" and/or "Live in Business" is installed as well. Reworked Mod to get rid of the Script File, it requires the XML Injector now. Delete the "LittleMsSam_RSM_BG_NoShoesAtHome.ts4script" File!
No Relationship Decay Sim to Pet (Cats, Dogs, Horses) Had to remake the Mod from scratch, since I got a Report that it prevents the Pets from showing up in the Relationship Panel. I could not reproduce the Issue myself ingame, so instead of overriding the Relationship Track Tuning I stop the decay via a hidden Buff now, which seems to prevent this Bug from happening. Mod requires the XML Injector now.
No Relationship Decay Sim to Animal Object (Cows, Goats etc.) Had to remake the Mod from scratch, since I got a Report that it prevents the Pets from showing up in the Relationship Panel. I could not reproduce the Issue myself ingame, so instead of overriding the Relationship Track Tuning I stop the decay via a hidden Buff now, which seems to prevent this Bug from happening. Mod requires the XML Injector now.
No Auto Club Gathering (Active Household) Fixed an Issue with some Traits not being choosable.
Random Bug Fixes
Trait Buff Fixes Added Fresh Air Buff Fix for Loves Outdoors Sims, where the Buff would not get added, when Eco Lifestyle is not installed.
Resume Writing Workaround Fix Added Support for Songs/Lyrics as well, so you should be able to resume writing them after traveling. Reworked Fix a bit to remove the Script File, this requires the XML Injector now. Delete the "LittleMsSam_RBF_WritingResumeWorkaroundFix.ts4script" File!
Plasma Packs from Plasma Fruits - Added Korean by noname
My Site with all possible Download Links: lms-mods.com
Support Questions via Discord only please!
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